I have been a bridesmaid in literally 7 weddings, with that being said, I am very sensitive about the bridesmaid dresses. For our upcoming nuptials I plan to keep the bridesmaid dressed in one way- simple! Keeping the word simple in mind, I made my first stop in searching for bridesmaid dresses- J Crew. Oh how I love you so- your simple lines and colors, you will be perfect I just know it! And being that I know how it is to wear a color that you do not like, I have decided to let the girls wear black, and on top of that, they can pick from one of these style dresses from JCrew- how do you like that!
So here are the JCrew dresses that the girls can pick from- they will all be in black

I also love this watters dress too,
this could be a possibility- love the top!
Um no joke LITERALLY sent all of these to another client this morning. Strange!!
ReplyDeleteBut I will admit... I think the grey would look SO HOT with your color scheme. Not that I want the girls to kill me but grey is the new black... "little grey dress"??