I know that it is not a fun topic, or one that you want to talk about when you are working on other fun things, like flowers, and candy bars. But it is one that is ever present in my and Mr DIY's mind. Since we are paying for the entire wedding ourselves (yes- you heard that right) the word Budget has been constantly in our mind every since the wedding planning process began.
But that is OK- whether or not we were paying for the wedding, some type of budget would be involved- right? But since we are in fact paying for it, and refuse to use any sort of credit cards or other financing for our big day- the Budget has become key in the planning process. And since most our wedding day involves DIY projects (hence the title of my blog) this budget is remaining pretty small, although it is about 5K over my initial projection-oops!
Our budget spreadsheet has become my best friend. It comes with me everywhere, literally. And I play around with it often. Plugging in numbers and figures of new great ideas that I have found, thanks to my obsession with finding great DIY projects on-line.
Thanks to Martha Stewart http://www.marthastewartweddings.com/planning (can you sense a theme here) I have found that doing our budget spreadsheet has been a breeze! It is easily customizable, and you can take things in and out that you don't need, or want to add to the spreadsheet. There are also industry averages that you can look at that show you how much you should spend on each category based on your overall wedding budget- good stuff!
The budget might be the worst part of planning a wedding, but for almost every bride- it is a unfortunate necessity!
Good Luck in the F-U-N Budget process!
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